Why This Blog?


For those of you who have bothered to swing by, I thought I should give a few thoughts as to why I would create a blog, and why you would have any reason to read it. There are two reasons I want to blog:

1) Forced creativity. Blogging serves as a unique role: it forces the author to be creative on a regular basis. I tend to be lazy when it comes to writing, and I'm hoping that blogging will serve as a creative goad. When it comes down to it, I'd rather sit in front of the tube with drool coming out of the corner of my mouth then do hard work. But I desire to live a life that honors God, rather than turning into a gelatinous mass while on the couch. I hope this blog serves to drive me forward in my pursuit of Christ.

2) Helping others love Christ. God likes words. If you don't believe me, check your Bible. In scripture we are called to spur one another on towards love and good deeds, and a primary means of doing that is through words. We talk to one another, pray for one another, exhort one another, and challenge one another. God uses words to set our hearts ablaze with love for the Savior. I love writing and desire to use words to help others see Christ, and love Christ, and exalt Christ.

Those are the two main goals. I hope you are served and I would love to hear your suggestions. Thanks!

-Stephen Altrogge

Posted by Stephen Altrogge at 3:09 PM  


As the one and only person to visit your blog, Stephen: I take it as a high privilege to leave a comment here.

Seriously, great idea to "force creativity" and kill laziness by starting this up. You are an example, and a funny guy who I like to be around (most the time)


Doug said...
June 17, 2007 at 8:04 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
June 17, 2007 at 8:19 AM  

Doug must be up early relieving himself of all the Pepsi he drank yesterday (nevermind your dumb blog is on PST)

When I saw the name of your blog I thought it was for football players with itching and burning....Even though I was wrong I might still read it when I am bored (does reading your blog count for my devotions?)

But in all seriousness I think this is a great idea. I look forward to gaining an additional perspective on a variety of texts and topics and especially on how the person and work of Christ affects our daily lives.

I hope you stick with it so I don't have to make fun of you for being a bum.


June 17, 2007 at 8:24 AM  

Thank you for the nudge I needed. Our couch is permanently indented from shameful hours of reality television.

For a long while, my desire has been to write for God. After a short and thoroughly unproductive stint on ConvinceMe.net (my nephew invited me then immediately quit), I could not shake the urge to create a blog. Hopefully we can spread the word of how God affects our lives in such wild ways.

Blab blah blab on I go. See you around Mr. Altrogge.

Anonymous said...
June 17, 2007 at 11:59 AM  

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