That Thing You Did
The temple treasury was crowded with richly robed people, and she was embarrassed at her own pitiful rags. The wealthy worshipers were dropping huge offerings in the box, and onlookers jaws were dropping at their largess. Oohs and ahhs of admiration could be heard as gold coins cascaded out of the donors' bags into the box. How humiliated the widow felt clutching her two small coins. Suddenly she saw an opportunity to slip up to the box, toss in her offering, then steal away unnoticed. She was relieved that no one had observed her. Well, almost no one...
And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” Mark 12:42-44
Jesus sees even the smallest acts of obedience and kindness believers do in his Name. He noticed the widow’s penny. He promises to reward us if we give even a cup of water to one of his disciples. On judgment day we’ll say, "Lord, when did we feed you when you were hungry or clothe you when you were poor or visit you when you were sick?” And he'll say, "Every time you did it to the least of my children, you did it to me."
He doesn't miss a thing
God has numbered the very hairs on our heads. Not a sparrow falls apart from our Father. The God who hears the raven’s cry catches every prayer we breathe in secret. The God who stores up our individual tears in his bottle heard that word of encouragement to your brother last week and remembers the classes you taught in Children's Ministry ten years ago. He caught you slipping that sister a $20 bill for food last month.
Joy in heaven
Can you imagine our joy in heaven when Jesus brings out all the things we did for him that we've completely forgotten about? Can you imagine the widow’s joy when Jesus brings out the mountain of rewards her two copper coins produced? Let's be faithful to sow our “pennies”, and do as much as we can by his grace and for his glory.
Hey Trillia,
Great to hear from you. Your labors are not in vain, even picking up after your son.
Thanks for commenting.
I did my treadmill routine to "In His Strength" yesterday. Those labors of yours are not in vain either! Thanks again.
thanks for this, dad
At just the right time God encourages me. Thank you Mark for both comments. They are very meaningful! I'm so glad you're enjoying the CD!! If you ever go back to my site I have a few treadmill classes posted under the walking section. I teach a treadmill class every tuesday.
You're welcome, Beth.
Thanks again Trillia!
Thanks for that encouragement Mark! It's hard to imagine God delighting in me-it's so amazing. God's grace is amazing. Christs' righteousness is so amazing! Thank you! This is so encouraging to me, a mom laboring at home trying to pick up after my son, care for him and teach him and just remembering my labors aren't in vain!