Open Your Eyes


Imagine waking up one morning to find yourself surrounded by a swat team of thousands about to storm your house. It happened to Elisha and his servant. One morning the servant wakes up and figures he’ll get some coffee going then read the morning papyrus. But as he looks out the kitchen window, he sees the glint of sun on spearhead. They're surrounded by the great Syrian army, whose assignment is to take out Elisha. A stab of fear pierces the servant's heart.

“How’s that coffee coming?” asks Elisha as he stumbles into the kitchen in his bathrobe. “I hope it's good and strong. Why are you just standing there with your mouth open? What’s wrong, did you spill the coffee? Or did you accidentally serve me Maxwell House? Come on, why the terrified look?”

The servant stammers, ““Alas, my master! What shall we do?” (They said “Alas” a lot back then. It basically means "Yikes" or "Aaaaaargh").

"Do about what?", says Elisha as he slowly pours his coffee, squinting out the kitchen window. “Ahhh, it's those pesky Syrians again. Hey, where'd you put the Sweet 'n Low?"

The servant whines, “How can you think about Sweet 'n Low at a time like this? Master, Alas, alas, alas! We’re cooked - dead meat - Syrian fodder.”

Elisha puts a scoop of sweetener into his steaming mug, blows across the top, then takes a careful sip. Then he says, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

The servant runs again to the back window, looking left and right. He doesn’t see anything except Syrian banners, spears, chariots, and campfires. “Pardon me master, and I might add one more ‘alas,’ but, where might be ‘those who are with us?’”

Elisha says, "How is a man supposed to enjoy his morning coffee with all these questions, boy?" Then Elijah prays, “O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see.”

“So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” (2 Kings 6:17).

“Now, boy," says Elisha, "can I please drink my coffee?”

HEB 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

When we are faced with challenging circumstances, what will we do? Will we look at what we can see with our natural eyes, or will we be convinced of the spiritual reality of things that we can only see with the eyes of faith?

Elisha saw into the spiritual realm with the eyes of faith. We must continually open our eyes to spiritual realities. No matter what situation we find ourselves in today, believers in Christ are not alone. Jesus is in us and with us through the Spirit. The angel of the Lord is encamped around us. God’s gracious hand is upon us. Our heavenly Father is directing all things for his glory and our good. His ear is attentive to us and his hand is open to us.

It may appear that we have been forsaken or that things are out of control. It may appear that the enemy has the upper hand. It may look bad on the surface. That's why we must open our faith eyes to see spiritual realities.

See what God’s word has to say about the truth of your situation. See what promises God has made concerning you. Believe God's word today, not your circumstances. And enjoy your coffee.

Posted by Mark Altrogge at 8:00 AM  


thanks dad.
and stephen -
how about a 10 reasons why I Miss Home.
ok. goodnight.

Anonymous said...
January 19, 2008 at 12:51 AM  

come home beth!

January 19, 2008 at 8:18 AM  


Luke McKelvy said...
January 19, 2008 at 9:07 AM  

How about 10 reasons I miss Beth.

Mark Altrogge said...
January 19, 2008 at 10:28 PM  

Incredible paraphrase Mark! Good word for when armies surround but excellent word for the the routine tappings of self and naggings of the world. Thanks for the reminder of who is really fighing my battles.

Sandy kimmel said...
January 19, 2008 at 10:55 PM  

Sandy, I like your phrase "routine tappings of self and naggings of the world" - that's poetic! Praise God that he's fighting our battles.

Thanks for your comment.

Mark Altrogge said...
January 20, 2008 at 11:16 PM  

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